Anna Hazare Birth Chart Analysis
Anna Hazare’s Horoscope and Birth Details

At the time of Anna Hazare's birth, Gemini Lagna (ascendant) was rising in the eastern horizon. The Lagna lord, Mercury, is situated in the 12th house alongside Ketu. This placement of Mercury in the 12th house, though generally considered a position of spiritual retreat or isolation, is significantly aspected by benevolent Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. The aspect of the 6th lord Mars on Mercury suggests challenges and controversies throughout his life. However, the influence of Jupiter on Mercury imparts a strong inclination towards spirituality and religious pursuits, shaping his character and outlook on life.
Jupiter, the lord of the 10th house, is positioned in the 8th house, while Saturn, the lord of the 8th house, resides in the 10th house. This creates a mutual exchange between Jupiter and Saturn. In Vedic astrology, such an exchange is typically unfavorable for career-related matters, often indicating a lack of smooth progression and potential career instability. Despite these challenges, the exchange between Jupiter and Saturn proves advantageous for a social activist like Hazare. It emphasizes his commitment to public welfare, justice, and reform. This planetary alignment has significantly contributed to his reputation as a prominent social reformer in a society grappling with corruption.
Anna Hazare’s Education
In astrology, the 5th house and its lord are crucial in determining educational attainment. Mercury, the natural significator of education, is positioned in the 12th house with Ketu, while Mars, the 6th lord, occupies the 5th house. This planetary configuration does not favor advanced education, which is evident in Hazare's educational background, where he studied only up to the 7th grade. The combination of Mars in the 5th house and Mercury’s placement in the 12th house highlights the challenges and limitations he faced in pursuing formal education.
Anna Hazare’s Children
Mars, a significant malefic planet for Gemini Lagna, is situated in the 5th house, which is associated with children and creativity. Jupiter, the karaka (significator) of children, is debilitated in the 8th house and is adversely affected by Mars. This unfavorable combination impacts his prospects of having children, reflecting the difficulties and limitations he has faced in this area of life.
Anna Hazare’s Marriage
Jupiter, the lord of the 7th house (which governs marriage), is placed in the 8th house, and the 7th house is aspected by Saturn and the Sun. Venus, the natural significator of marriage, is also afflicted. When Venus, the 7th house, and the 7th lord are weak in a horoscope, it often results in challenges or delays in marriage. In Hazare’s case, this indicates a potential difficulty in maintaining a marital relationship, leading to a situation where marriage may not be a significant aspect of his life.
Movement Against Corruption
Anna Hazare's long-standing fight against corruption gained immense prominence recently. Currently, he is undergoing the Dasha of Saturn, positioned in the 10th house of fame, dignity, and social status, and the Bhukti of Venus, located in the 11th house of desires, recognition, and gains. The Dasha of Saturn-Venus, which involves the 5th and 9th lords, has brought Hazare into the limelight and played a crucial role in his active movement against corruption. This planetary period has enhanced his visibility and effectiveness in his mission, highlighting the significant impact of this astrological combination on his public life.