Current Planetary Positions In Tropical Zodiac

Western Astrology Transit 2025

Current Planetary Positions Based on Tropical Zodiac

Welcome to our comprehensive planetary position guide, based on Tropical Zodiac Western Astrology. Here, you'll discover the current positions of planets, as well as the ability to explore their positions for any date and time.

Planetary positions shown here are based on Tropical Zodiac (Western Astrology); for Sidereal or Vedic Astrology transits, go to: Planetary Positions Today

Understanding Planetary Positions

In Western Astrology, planetary positions play a vital role in shaping our lives and destinies. Each planet represents a unique energy, influencing various aspects of our existence. By tracking their movements, we can gain valuable insights into our strengths, challenges, and potential.

Transit Location

New Delhi, India

Transit Date & Time

Change Date
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

Planetary Transit Now

Planets Signs Degrees Speed
SunPisces04° 02' 14" 1.0071530
MoonSagittarius23° 12' 01" 12.5614788
Mars RCancer17° 01' 56" -0.0207435
MercuryPisces14° 39' 51" 1.8456853
JupiterGemini11° 49' 10" 0.0591213
VenusAries09° 43' 08" 0.2850339
SaturnPisces19° 53' 27" 0.1204042
Rahu RPisces27° 39' 12" -0.0313199
NeptunePisces28° 39' 25" 0.0351511
PlutoAquarius02° 42' 19" 0.0284646
UranusTaurus23° 29' 19" 0.0197690
ChironAries20° 18' 18" 0.0446469
Ketu RVirgo27° 39' 12" -0.0313199