Bharani Nakshatra Compatibility and Characteristics
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Bharani Nakshatra is the second nakshatra or lunar mansion in Hindu astrology, and it is ruled by Venus. This nakshatra is symbolized by the female reproductive organs and is associated with fertility, creativity, and abundance. People born under Bharani Nakshatra are believed to be strong-willed, determined, and ambitious.
Bharani Nakshatra is spread from 13.20 to 26.40- degree in Aries. It’s ruled by Venus. In astrology Venus represents to beauty, arts, fashion, drawing, music and cinema etc. Bharani is the 2nd Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras.
Bharani Nakshatra Personality Traits
Your Birth star of Nakshatra is ruled by Venus; therefore you maintain a dignified and noble persona. You have many good qualities. You are social. You are liberal. You are considerate, thinking of the consequences of your actions and their effect on others. You are humane. You are devout and inwardly satisfied.
You are utilitarian and trustworthy in all your undertakings for others. It is likely that you have an unusual level of maturity. You are persistent. You are a quiet person. You seem quieter and smoother than you really are. You are a person of depth. You are naturally cautious in legal matters and the signing of contractual documents.
The influence of planet Venus indicates that your personality is pure, harmless, easy going, and forgiving. You are an ethical person. You can be systematic about doing things. You do not brook any nonsense.
Bharani Nakshatra Relationship and Marriage Compatibility
Your Nakshatra Bharani is highly compatible with male, female born in Ashwini, Punarvasu and Uttarashada Nakshatra. Unfortunately you are incompatible with Mrigasira, Chitra, Vishakha (4th quarter or pada), Anuradha, Jyeshta, Dhanishta, Uttara Bhadrapada. All rest of the birth stars or Nakshatras are moderately compatible with your Nakshatra.
Bharani Nakshatra Love and Marriage Prediction
Your Nakshatra is ruled by Venus which, in turn, is the natural significator of love, romance and affect. Therefore you get plenty of love and affection from opposite sex, wife, husband, lover and other people who are closely associated with you. A tendency to spend as much as possible time with opposite sex can incline to have extra marital affairs which are not good for married life. So work on it. You may remain on good terms with your parents, friends and associates. You have also have an opportunity to get your personalized and accurate Marriage Prospects and Love Prospects. Go and Check Out what destiny has in store for you.
Best Career Options for Bharani Nakshatra
If you are a person born under the Bharani Nakshatra, it doesn’t matter whether you are male or female; you can do well as a doctor, nurse, therapists, psychologist, army, police, fitness trainer and healer. You can also do well as a musician, merchant, horse trainer and sportsman.
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