Punarvasu Nakshatra Compatibility and Characteristics
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Punarvasu Nakshatra is the seventh nakshatra or lunar mansion in Hindu astrology, and it is ruled by the planet Jupiter. This nakshatra is symbolized by a bow and quiver and is associated with renewal, rejuvenation, and return. People born under Punarvasu Nakshatra are believed to be optimistic, enthusiastic, and resilient.
Punarvasu Nakshatra (also known as Punarpoosam in Tamil and Punartham in Malayalam) is extended from Gemini 20 degrees to 03.20 in Cancer. This star is ruled by Jupiter, who deals with knowledge, wisdom, fat and children. . Punarvasu is the 7th among the 27 Nakshatras.
Punarvasu Nakshatra Personality Traits
If you are one of the native who are born in Punarvasu Birth star, you are naturally interested in health, diet, and hygiene and can be a natural healer. You may develop diseases that are hard to diagnose. Succumbing to irritation can lead to bad health. Being frequently aggravated and indulging in nagging can cause indigestion, acidity, and nerves due to the negative emotion caused by the desire to perfect others. Ill health and stomach ailments affect business prospects and status.
There is a possibility of an undiagnosed ailment in the stomach. You tend to not get enough exercise. Kidneys can be troublesome. Sometimes your eyes are red, especially after consuming impure foods or being exposed to pollutants.
Punarvasu Nakshatra Relationship and Marriage Compatibility
Male, female born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are said to have good rapport, understanding and compatibility with people born in Nakshatra Bharani, Rohini, Mrigasira, Chitra and Swati. You are not compatible with people born in Nakshatras like Ashwini, Krittika (1st and 2nd quarters), Punarvasu (4th quarter), Ashlesha, Uttara Phalguni (1st quarter), Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabhisha and Poorva Bhadrapada. Check out your manually prepared Matchmaking Analyis.
Punarvasu Nakshatra Love and Marriage Prediction
You are on good terms with your parents and family life prospers. There may be some distance between you and your parents or they may face unusual problems. You spend your parents' wealth without giving in return. You may not feel as if you are on the same social wavelength as your parents. You have also have an opportunity to get your personalized and accurate Marriage Prospects and Love Prospects. Go and Check Out what destiny has in store for you.
Best Career Options for Punarvasu Nakshatra
Generally male, female born in Punarvasu birth star are seen to be successful in the field of entertainment, drama, politics, acting, construction and science. You can also succeed as a spiritual guru, writer, astrologer, journalist, importer an exporter and radiologists. So all the above said career options suits well for native born in Punarvasu Birth star.
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