Saturn Transit Dates 2024 | Shani Gochar

Saturn Ingress

Saturn Ingress Dates and Astrological Transits

Get thorough information about Saturn’s ingress dates and its transits through different zodiac signs. Explore how these Saturnian movements can impact your discipline and long-term goals.

If you're interested in how the Saturn’s transits might impact you, our Saturn Transit Interpretation Report is designed for you. Stay informed about how these solar movements influence your astrological chart and personal growth.

Saturn’s entry and exit timings are based on Indian Vedic astrology and are set by default for New Delhi, India. Adjust the city and time zone settings as needed for your location.

City New Delhi, India
Timezone Asia/Kolkata
City: New Delhi, India
TimeZone Asia/Kolkata

Current Transit of Saturn

Ingress MotionDirect
Entry DateJan 17, 2023, 18:03
Exit DateMar 29, 2025, 21:44
Duration in Days802
Next Sign IngressPisces
Next MotionDirect

Life Horoscope Reading
Pramod Sharma Consult our 5th-generation astrologer for profound guidance.